Tour Shark respects the privacy of its website visitors, in particular their rights regarding the automatic processing of personal data. We have therefore formulated and implemented a privacy policy on complete transparency with our customers regarding the processing of personal data, its purpose(s) and the possibilities in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation to exercise your legal rights in the best possible way.

If you require any additional information about the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens):

The current available version of this privacy policy is the only version that applies while visiting our website until a new version, due to changes for example in services or laws, replaces the current version. We therefore ask that you keep yourself informed of its contents.

Article 1 – Definitions

  1. Party responsible for processing personal data (hereinafter: “Tour Shark”, ): the controller established at Groesbeekseweg 25, 6524 CL Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Chamber of Commerce number: 69470278 
  2. Website (hereinafter: “Website”):

Article 2 – Collection of data

Tour Shark processes data that you yourself provide to us by using our website and our service. This concerns the following data: 

  1. Login information: first name, last name, telephone number and e-mailadress 
  2. Booking information: Country, address, postal code, town/city, phone number and business name (in case provided).
  3. Review information: name (in case provided) and review 

This data will be shared with the relevant activity provider in order to arrange pickup, time and other activity related purpose.  

Article 3 – The lawfulness of processing data

  1. The legal basis for the processing of the login information and booking information is that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with Tour Shark or in order to take steps at the request of you prior to entering into a contract within the meaning of Article 6 (1) sub b of the GDPR. 
  2. The legal basis in regards to the review information is consent on the basis of Article 6 (1) sub a of the GDPR, which you have given to us by publishing the review on our website. You have the right to revoke your consent by contacting us on

Article 4 – The purposes of the processing data

Tour Shark processes your personal data using the abovementioned legal basis and we process your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. The personal data that are collected on the website are required for the execution of your order and for confirming your order. They are recorded in an (electronic) register.
  2. The personal data that are collected on the website are used by Tour Shark in order to maintain a (commercial) relationship with you.
  3. The personal data that are collected on the website are used for understanding how users use our website so that we can improve the performance and provide better services to our services.
  4. The personal data that are collected on the website are used for the purpose of improving the website and services of the website.
  5. The personal data that are collected on the website are used for the purpose of giving a review of your order.

Article 5 – Collected data and commercial offers

  1. You may receive commercial offers from Tour Shark. If you do not wish to receive them (anymore), please send us an email to the following address:
  2. Your personal data will not be used by our partners for commercial purposes.   
  3. If you encounter any personal data from other data subjects while visiting our website, you are to refrain from collection, any unauthorized use or any other act that constitutes an infringement of the privacy of the data subject(s) in question. The collector is not responsible in these circumstances.

Article 6 – Is it necessary to provide data?

When Tour Shark asks for your personal data our starting point is that the requested personal data is necessary for the aforementioned purposes. The provision of personal data is a necessary condition to conduct a contract with Tour Shark. If you do not want to provide your personal data you cannot make use of our services.

Article 7 – Data retention

The collected data are used and retained for the duration that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which your data is collected. As soon as you delete your account on the website, the data that is no longer needed will be immediately destroyed. Tour Shark will destroy other data after two years, unless when we are required to follow a longer legal retention obligation according to Dutch Law.

When the retention period has expired, the data will be deleted, unless it is intended for historical, statistical or scientific purposes. In such a case, the data will be archived.

Article 8 – Your rights regarding data

Pursuant to chapter 3 of the GDPR you have access to the following rights. These will be briefly explained below:

  1. Right of access: the right to obtain a confirmation whether or not Tour Shark has processed personal data concerning you and, where that is the case, access to the personal data.
  2. Right of rectification: the right to obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data. 
  3. Right to erasure: the right to obtain erasure of personal data 
  4. Right to Restriction of processing: the right to obtain restriction of processing personal data. In short this means that Tour Shark will temporarily “freeze” the processing of your personal data if you can invoke one of the four situations:
  • Pending the assessment of a correction request;
  • In case data should be deleted, but you do not with for the data to be deleted
  • If Tour Shark no longer needs the personal data, while you need the personal data to prepare a case for court;
  • Pending the assessment of an objection request.
  1. Right to object: the right to object against the processing of personal data because of your specific situation. 
  2. Right to data portability: the right to receive personal data concerning you and have the right to transit those data to another controller without hindrance.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us at Each request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid ID, on which you put your signature and state the address where we can contact you. Within one month of the submitted request, you will receive an answer from us. Depending on the complexity and the number of the requests this period may be extended to two months

Article 9 – Data transfer to suppliers

Tour Shark provides your name and contact information in the form of an e-mail address or telephone number to the supplier, so that the supplier can offer you the service. 

Article 10 – Data transfer to hotels 

Tour shark provides anonymised data to hotels, so that the identity of a person cannot be derived from the data. This includes the number of bookings that have been made and the underlying costs.

Article 11 – Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

Tour Shark does not use automated decision making nor profiling. 

Article 12 – Access to the website

Access to and use of the website are strictly personal. You will refrain from using the data and information of this website for your own commercial, political or advertising purposes, as well as for any commercial offers, in particular unsolicited electronic offers.  

Article 13 – Website content  

All brands, images, texts, comments, illustrations (animated) images, video images, sounds and all the technical applications that can be used to operate this website and more generally all the components used on this website, are protected by the laws on intellectual property. Any reproduction, repetition, use or modification, by any means whatsoever, of all or just part of it, including technical applications, without the prior written permission of the controller, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the controller may not take immediate action against any infringement, cannot be considered as a tacit consent, nor of a waiver of any right to prosecute the infringing party.

Article 14 – Management of the website

For the purpose of proper management of the site, the controller may at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt, reduce or decline the access to the website for a particular category of visitors
  • delete all information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or conflicts with national or international laws or is contrary to internet etiquette
  • make the website temporarily unavailable in order to perform updates

Article 15 – Responsibilities

  1. The controller is not liable for any failure, disturbances, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website, causing the (temporary) inaccessibility of the website or of any of its functionalities. You, yourself, are responsible for the way you seek connection to our website. You need to take all appropriate steps to protect your equipment and data against hazards such as virus attacks on the Internet. Furthermore, you are responsible for which websites you visit and what information you seek.
  2. The controller is not liable for any legal proceedings taken against you: because of the use of the website or services accessible via the Internet for violating the terms of this privacy policy
  3. The controller is not liable for any damages that incur to you or third parties or your equipment, as a result of your connection to or use of the website and you will refrain from any subsequent (legal) action against the controller.
  4. If the controller is involved in a dispute because of your (ab)use of this website, he is entitled to (re)claim all subsequent damages from you.

Article 16 – Data security measures 

Tour Shark has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss or against any unlawful or unauthorized form of processing. The programmes that are used are secured. Furthermore, access to the personal data is restricted to one/(two) emplyee(s) of Tour Shark that require access for the purpose of their work.[MA3]  Our security measures are evaluated regularly and updated if there are technological advances. Tour shark demands the same technical and organizational measured from the organizations who processes data on our behalf.

Article 17 – Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens)

In addition to the possibility of submitting a complaint to Tour Shark, you have the right to submit a complaint to the relevant authority for the protection of personal data, in this case the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP). You can contact the AP on their website:

Article 18 – Legal obligations

  1. In case of infringement of any law or regulation, of which a visitor is suspected and for which the authorities require the personal data collected by the collector, they will be provided to them after an explicit and reasoned request of those authorities, after which these personal data do not fall anymore under the protection of the provisions of this Privacy policy.
  2. If any information is necessary in order to obtain access to certain features of the website, the controller will indicate the mandatory nature of this information when requesting these data.

Article 19 – Imagery and products offered

You cannot derive any rights from the imagery that accompanies any offered product on our website.

Article 20 – Applicable Law

These conditions are governed by Dutch law. The court in the district where the collector has its place of business has the sole jurisdiction if any dispute regarding these conditions may arise, save when a legal exception applies.

Article 21 – Contact

For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact:,